Diversity Charter
We embrace and encourage diversity in the broadest sense of the word. Our diverse workforce is an important part of our business success and contributes to a creative, productive and attractive workplace.
We are committed to rejecting all forms of discrimination. We do not discriminate between individuals on the basis of personal characteristics such as gender, language, presumed race, skin colour, nationality, ancestry (Jewish origin) and national or ethnic origin, disability, philosophical or religious beliefs, sexual orientation, age, wealth, civil status, political beliefs, trade union membership, state of health, physical or genetic characteristic, birth or social background.
We make every effort to prevent discriminatory behaviour in the workplace and will combat such behaviour if necessary. Infringements will be prosecuted as provided for in the employment regulations, depending on the degree of severity.
We guarantee that all employees are given equal and neutral opportunities for entry, development and advancement in the company.
We undertake to inform customers, suppliers and other partners that questions or requests of a discriminatory nature will not be considered.
This diversity charter will be published internally by the company through various communication channels, including posting, so that it is visible, legible and easily accessible to all employees.