It comes as no surprise to know that nowadays the choice in carpet is overwhelming. Something that obviously does not make life any easier for today’s consumer when shopping for new carpet: faced with a huge choice among the seemingly endless range of carpet in all the colours and textures under the rainbow, consumers go in search of that one carpet that fits perfectly into their home. What should be fun is nowadays often more of a chore, simply because one cannot see the wood for the trees.
To find out which type of interior is the best for showing the individual consumer our carpet collections we have designed a fun-to-do interior test. We use 11 illustrated questions to try to find out which of five living environments selected by us will make the consumer feel like he (she) is at home. An exact science? A straitjacket? Absolutely not, it’s just fun to do. But while the consumer is enjoying an emotional experience he or she is funneled and led, step by step, to a final reassuring selection.
When we compiled this interior test we consulted international trend studies into living, lifestyle and consumer behaviour to gain a better insight into the values that today’s and tomorrow’s consumer associates with living and lifestyles. Based on the results of this research AW defined five important clusters of values/preferences/characteristics on a cross-shaped graph on which “extrovert” is plotted opposite “introvert” (or “aware”), and “emotional” opposite “rational” (or “techno”). These clusters then generated five living environments: City Life, Sweet Life, World Life, Simple Life or Classic Life, each with their own particular feel in terms of interior decoration, and the appropriate colour pallets.